220 Thesis entitled 'William Thomson's Inventions for the Submarine Telegraph Industry: A Nineteenth-Century Technology Program'
205 PhD thesis in the history of science entitled 'Un modello algoritmico: l'Analytical Engine di Charles Babbage'
3 envelopes containing 98 items Collection of photographic prints relating to Bloom Street Power Station and National Grid Works in South Manchester
1 item "An international assessment on the role of agricultural science and technology in reducing hunger and improving rural livelihoods" Science and Technology Journal
20 minute papers, loose letters and press cuttings from the Heritage Railway Association Heritage Committee; also includes minutes from the Association of Independent Railways and Preservation Societies' Heritage Committee. The work of the Committee was previously undertaken by the Association of Railway Preservation Societies, and included advising and assisting members on the heritage aspects of their activities, including establishing and maintaining rational object collecting and interpretation policies. HRA Heritage Committee Minutes
1 report Correspondence between Burke, Adrian Butt and Cockburn regarding Science Review panel report and Pusztai's comments in the media, particularly about Burke
1 report "Safety issues associated with the DNA in animal feed derived from genetically modified crops. A review of scientific and regulatory procedures"
1 item "Crops of uncertain nature?" Plant Research International by De Visser, Nrjhuis, Elsas & Dueck
1 VHS Genetics news 24 - News segment on protestors and the need for a public debate on the use and research of genetically modified crops involving a short interview with Derek Burke
1 item "The debate over food biotech: is societal consensus achievable?" presented at a symposium on biotech communications 'Fortune or Fiasco?'
3 items Correspondence regarding genetic engineering debate held by Horticultural Research International
1 item My work with computers from the Ferranti Mark I to the ICT 1900 (1952 - 1966). M H (Harry) Johnson.
1 item Department of Trade and Industry "Foresight for agriculture, horticulture and forestry - crop production"
1 item Application for research grant "Deployment of NBS-CRR disease resistance genes by natural selection in wild Arabidopsis"